The Decent Of Jacobs Ladder Mac OS

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Here is a most interesting angle on Jacob and his Sons, taken from:

The Descent Of Jacob's Ladder Mac Os Download

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. According to legend, the sandstone slab was used by the biblical figure Jacob as a pillow when he dreamed of a ladder reaching to heaven and then brought to Scotland by way of Egypt, Spain. The best live albums of all time capture the very essence of a band’s energy in concert, making you feel like you were actually there. It’s one thing creating magic in the studio but doing it.


Studies in DNA have demonstrated that the Jewish people are of very diverse direct male line ancestry. The question thus arises what is the Y-DNA of Abraham’s descendants. Due to studies regarding the Cohanim many now suppose that the Y-DNA of the Israelites is from the J haplogroup due to the large percentages of the J Haplogroup found in the DNA of both Ashkenazi and Sephardi claimants to Cohen status. Some claimants to Davidic ancestry also belong to the J and G haplogroups. However I (through genealogical research into the Davidic Ancestry) believe that on the direct male line some of these Davidic families descend from Merwan ha Levi (J y-dna) and only on the female line from the Davidic lineage. Those claiming Davidic ancestry from G Y-haplogroup descend from a Hunza Valley Prince that married into the Davidic families in Sicily in the 11th century. Other claimants to Davidic ancestry belong to R1b haplotype. Some propose that the R1b Jewish ancestors are converts to Judaism. However I propose that it is in fact the J ancestors that are the converts to Judaism in the 2-3rd century BC.

J haplogroup is what I call the Assyrian-Samaritan-Saducee group. DNA studies on the Samaritans demonstrate that they are of the J haplogroup with the Cohen Modal Haplotype except for their Levite clan which is E3b. A group of Samaritans at the time of the Maccabees embraced Rabbinic Judaism and introduced the J and E haplogroups into the Jewish genetic pool. Among these Samaritans were those who claimed Cohen and Levite status. Their claims to Zadok priestly status were denied by the Essenes and many others. Zadok the priestly leader of these Tzadokim was called by the Essenes the Wicked Priest. The descendants of these priestly Tzadokim (Saducees) where influencial in Jerusalem in the first century, however the people would not allow one of them to be High Priest so they formed a priestly party around the family of Annas and Caiaphas who were of true Aaronite descent. Later one of their group in the 40’s of the first century became High Priest.

These priestly Tzadokim were connected to the Pharisee ‘House of Shammai’. Shammai was also descended from these Samaritan converts who practiced a more stringent form of Judaism. The Samaritans call themselves the Shamerim (Observant Ones). It would seem that these Samaritan converts split into two groups at the time of the great Pharisee Rabbi Antigonus of Soco, one group of these Shamerim remained with the Pharisees while Zadok a Shamerim Cohen distorted Antonigus’ teaching and founded the break away group of the Tzadokim. After the destruction of the Second Jewish Temple the descendants of these J and E priests and Levites continued in the diaspora to claim Cohen and Levite status. Of course this does not mean that Jews of the J and E haplogroups are not descendants of the Patriarchs – no doubt they are – through many lines of their maternal ancestries.

I believe that the Sons of Jacob-Israel belong to the R1b Y-haplogroup and that the Atlantic Modal haplotype (AMH) may include the Davidic one. R1a are the sons of Esau- Edom and this haplogroup entered the Jewish people through the Khazars who were of varied Y-haplogroups. R2 may be a group descended from the sons of Esau. I do not accept the rather fanciful datings of the evolutionists which distorts the DNA mutation rates. The mitochondrial Eve is more correctly dated to 6000-6500 years ago and the Y- Adam to 4000 years ago according to some researchers. Of course those entrenched in an evolutionist mindset will find any explanation to prop up the crumbling edifice of the philosophy called Evolution.

Being Jewish is more than paternal genetic ancestry. One is no more or less a Jew no matter what ones Y-DNA proves to be. There are many male line descendants of the Patriarch’s who are not Jewish. However one is a Hebrew if it is on one’s direct maternal line and I believe all those who have mt-DNA of mt-haplogroups H and V are direct maternal descendants of the Davidic Matriarchs. I also believe that mt-haplotypes J and T are Hebrew maternal haplogroups from among the female descendants of the matriarch’s Bilhah and Zilpah. Mt –haplogroup U and K are the descendants of the Matriarchs Leah, Dinah and Asenath (mt-haplogroup N) via Asenath’s daughter called Asterope or Hesperia by the Greeks and her seven daughters called the Hesperides. Mt-haplogroup I may be from Ruth the Moabitess via Queen Esther. Ruth was also a maternal descendant of Dinah. Asenath had seven daughters who each had 7 daughters – this maternal line clan were called the Daughters of Dinah (Dana/Don/Danaan/Diana/Dione). Through these maternal clans of Dinah a large portion of the world’s population is descended from the matriarch’s of Israel.

Looking at the DNA evidence has revealed that some of my previous ideas about the identities of the Lost Tribes (R1b) to be mistaken and the genetic evidence seems to confirm an Edomite identity (R1a)in Europe more widespread than I thought especially in Eastern Europe. The evidence seems to confirm much of the ideas of the Jewish organisation called Brit-am except that Spain and Portugal are basically genetically Israelite nations which confirms my own ideas and not those of Brit-am. It is possible that R1b1c9 (U106) is a group of Ephraimite or Zebulonite ancestry. R1b1c7 (M222) may be a Davidic clan as my genealogical research demonstrates that Niall of the Nine hostages is of Davidic ancestry through Joseph of Arimathea. R1b1c10 (U152) may be a Levite or Judaite clan. R1b1c6 (M167/SYR2627) possibly a Benjaminite or Simeonite or Judahite clan. Y-Haplogroup I is closely related to J and is an Assyrian haplogroup originating in the North of ancient Assyria. According to Velikovsky the Assyrians went into Europe. Hopefully further research and testing will led to a future identification of all the tribes of Israel. When the ridiculously long datings of the haplogroups are corrected and the groups are placed in historical times many interesting discoveries may abound.

The Miraculous DNA Double Helix-like St Joseph Staircase of Santa Fe

The mystery of the DNA is connected to the mystery of St Joseph and the Teli and the Payot (taltalim). This is also connected to the concept of Jacob’s ladder and the genealogical tree of the Messiah (see Blessed Anne Catharine Emmerich). The original all wood staircase in Santa Fe that reminds one of the double helix DNA did not have the railing which was added later for safety. The Teli is also spiral and the Jewish sidecurls represent this. The ‘lightning flash’ of the Sefirot also represent this spiral Jacob’s ladder. Rabbi Abraham Abulafia speaks of the 3 reliable witnesses as the Teli, the Galgal and the Heart which are linked to the King of the Universe/Space, the Sovereign of the Year/Time and the King of the Soul (as does the “Bahir”). The evangelist St John the Beloved calls these three witnesses the spirit, water and blood. The spirit represents the soul or heart, the water the sphere (galgal)and the blood the teli. The blood here refers to the mystery of the Jacob’s ladder we call DNA.

William Blake’s Jacob’s Ladder

Blessed Anne Catharine Emmerich writes in regards to Jacob’s Ladder: …I saw Jacob, on his journey to Mesopotamia, lying asleep on the spot where Bethel afterward stood. The sun had set. Jacob lay stretched on his back, a stone under his head, his staff resting on his arm. Then I saw the ladder that Jacob beheld in his dream, and which in the Bible is described as “standing upon the earth, and the top thereof touching heaven.” I saw this ladder rising up to heaven from Jacob where he lay upon the earth. It was like a living genealogical tree of his posterity. I saw below on the earth, just as those genealogical trees are represented, a green trunk as if growing out of the sleeping Jacob. It divided into three branches which arose in the form of a triangular pyramid whose apex reached the heavens. The three branches were connected by other smaller ones that formed a three-sided pyramidal ladder. I saw this ladder surrounded by numerous apparitions. I saw on it Jacobs descendants, one above another; they formed the ancestry of Jesus according to the flesh. They often crossed over from side to side, stepping past and even before one another. Some stood back and others from the opposite side stepped before them, according as the germ of the Sacred Humanity was clouded by sin and then again purified by continence until at last the pure flower, the Holy Virgin in whom God willed to become Man appeared on the highest point of the ladder touching the heavens. I saw Heaven open above her and disclose the splendor of God. God spoke thence to Jacob…”

The Zohar also connects Jacob’s Ladder to the mystery of the human body. “Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page 150b – Jacob then said: THIS IS NONE OTHER THAN THE HOUSE OF GOD , implying: This is not to remain idle; its covenant is not meant to exist in isolation. It is in sooth a godly abode, to be used for the promotion of fecundity and for receiving blessing from all the bodily organs. For indeed this is THE GATE OF HEAVEN , or, in other words, the gate of the Body, the gate assuredly through which pass the blessings downwards, so that it is attached both on high and below: on high, as being the gate of heaven, and below, as being none other than the house of God.”

The lightning flash of the Sefirot is also seen as the Nehushtan (bronze Serpent) which looks like a spiral staircase ascending through the spiritual worlds.

There were also spiral staircases in the Temple. One of them is mentioned in 1 Kings 6:8. Jacob’s Ladder was seen as a spiral staircase for bringing Torah from Heaven to earth as the Hebrew words for ladder, spiral and Sinai are all 130 in gematria. The High Priest used to ascend one such spiral staircase from the Parvah Chamber to a mikveh where he immersed as part of his preparation for Yom Kippor. As the Temple was built in the form of the Divine Man (Adam Kadmon)on the north and south sides there were spiral staircases representing the payots (Taltalim) of the Divine Man. The braided Challah bread loaf also represents this spiral (lullim) staircase or ladder (sulam)and the Challot for Shavout is decorated on top with a ladder. Challot on Rosh haShanah are also often made in the shape of a ladder.

Added 11th May 2008: Last night while in Eucharistic Adoration I came upon this passage in the Revelations to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, which confirmed what I had written about Zadok (or Sadoch)being a Samaritan. This is from The Volume 2 of the Life of Jesus Christ.

“The Jews of Giskala were on that day celebrating a feast commemorative of their deliverance from the yoke of a tyrant, the first founder of the Sadducees. He lived over two hundred years before Christ, but I have forgotten his name. He was one of the officers of the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, and was charged to watch over the points of faith not found set down in the written Law. He had tormented the people horribly with his rigorous ideas, one of which was that no reward could be hoped from God, but that He was to be served by them as slaves serve their master. Giskala was his birthplace, but his townsmen held his memory in horror. Today’s festival was a memorial rejoicing at his death. One of his disciples was from Samaria. Sadoch, who denied the dogma of the resurrection of the body, continued to promulgate the founder’s doctrine. He was a pupil of Antigonus. Sadoch also had a Samaritan accomplice helping to propagate his errors.” The first Sadducee that Blessed Anne Emmerich mentions but has forgotten his name is Boethus. This Zadoch is the source of the Cohen J2 y-na found among Jews and his accomplice was a Samaritan Levite the source of E y-dna among Jews. J1 among the Jewish cohanim comes from the Ishmaeli Cohanim of Second Temple Times possibly from the ancestor of the Joshua-Marhiv clan of the Samaritans or more likely from the Samaritan High priestly clan that died out in the 17th century who claimed descent from the Samaritan High Priest Ishmael (c.8th century BC).

Posted by Athol at 7:09 AM

Peak District Mountain Bike Route Guide

The Decent Of Jacobs Ladder Mac OS


Hayfield, The Dark Peak

(Requires advanced skills and fitness)

21.4 miles

OS Landranger 110

Route Text Download:
Hayfield – Jacob’s Ladder Long


GPS Download:
(available via the full MapMyRide page for this route, on the right hand side of the page)

Hayfield - Jacob's Ladder Long Route

Back to Peak District
Route Guides

This is a tough mountain bike route of 21.4 miles on the western edge of the Dark Peak. It includes some of the most challenging climbs in the Peak District but there are some fantastic descents as payback, including Jacob's Ladder.

1. The ride starts from the Visitor Centre car park in Hayfield(GR035869). From the car park turn left, away from the centre of Hayfield, and follow the Sett Valley Trail through the trees. After about 1mile follow the track through a tight left then right S-bend to a gate that comes out at a road. After the gate turn right and follow the road over a stone bridge to a steep cobbled track on the right, at the end of the first row of houses (GR020869).

2. Turn right and climb the steep cobbles, which quickly give way to a steep, loose track that climbs between some drystone walls. The track finishes at a gate on a tarmac hairpin. Continue climbing along the left hand lane to the junction at the top, with a row of cottages straight ahead (GR024874).

3. Turn left and climb the lane to a junction with a wide track on the crest, by a small disused quarry on the right (GR020872). Turn right and follow the double track through a farm, then continue straight on past a gated junction on the left. Keep to the line of the wall on the left and after about ½ mile go straight on down the rocky descent to Laneside farm. This is a great descent that starts out steep and rocky, it then bears left to a flat, smooth middle section before a final bouldery descent to a junction with a lane at the bottom (GR014887).

The Decent Of Jacobs Ladder Mac Os X

4. Bear slightly left and descend the lane, then go through a right hand bend to pass the water wheel at the Little Mill Inn on the left. Climb a short way from the pub to a junction where the lane bears left (GR011890). Bear right along the track that goes past some houses. It soon reduces in width for a short, tight and bouldery singletrack climb. At the top follow the trail to the left of the low wall and go through a left hand bend, to a lane. Go straight on to the junction in the middle Rowarth (GR012893).

5. Turn right, then at the next junction on the edge of the village bear left and climb the steep lane. The lane soon comes to a gated junction with a track on the right (GR014896). Go through the gate and descend the rocky track to a ford at the bottom. Go through the ford and climb the track to a gate. After the gate bear left and climb the steep lane. Follow the lane to the next junction, with a track on the right signed as the Pennine Bridleway (GR019901).

6. Turn right and follow the wide track. Bear right through the gate on the bend and continue along the track all the way to a junction at a Matley Moor farm (GR024896). Turn left and go past the right hand side of the buildings to a cattle grid at a junction. Go straight across the cattle grid and descend the steep lane through a few bends. Go across a stream at the bottom, then climb to the junction with the A624 (GR033891).

7. Turn left and climb the road to a left hand bend just out of the trees, with a building on the inside. Carefully cross the road and go through the gate on the outside of the bend (GR035894). After the gate go straight on along the double track for a short distance then drop down into Hollingworth Clough on the right. Choose whether to cross the stream by the bridge or the ford. Once over the stream follow the challenging loose, rocky and rutted singletrack climb. The climb goes on for a little under 1mile until the track drops left to another stream crossing. After the steam go up the stone steps. At the top follow the trail to a low wooden bridge that leads to the shooting hut junction (GR049883).

8. Turn left then at the fork immediately after bear right, to follow the edge of the valley. At the next junction a short distance later turn right down the singletrack signposted as a bridleway. As the track descends around to the left it steepens, becoming rutted and rocky. At the triangular junction descend right through the gate in the drystone wall (GR052882). The track widens but and becomes very rocky. The track finishes at a drystone wall where there is a good view over Kinder Reservoir. Turn right and follow the steep cobbled path down to the gate at the road (GR053880). Watch out for pedestrians, as this is quite a popular path.

9. After the gate follow the road straight ahead to a big green gate. Turn left over the small bridge and climb up the road between the houses. After emerging from the trees the lane comes to a four way junction, with a track on either side (GR054878). Turn right through the gate and climb the rocky track as it snakes its way up the field. When the track levels off it comes to a junction by the woods on the left (GR058877). Turn right and climb the deeply rutted grassy double track through the field. Where the track splits bear left and follow the low broken wall along the contour of the hill. After a while go straight on through the gap in the wall and cross the next field, climbing to the gate in the opposite right hand corner (GR066872).

10. Turn right through the gate and climb the track between the drystone walls. The track opens out and eventually flattens off before bearing right to a gate. After the gate take the track that drops away to the left. The track soon comes to a vague junction just before the obvious track climbs the flank of Kinderlow End. Take the less distinct boggy track to the right. The track soon firms up to become singletrack that gently descends, bearing left around the hill, before coming to a gate in a drystone wall (GR066861).

11. Turn left after the gate and climb the wide rocky track which very soon comes to another gate. Navigation from this point to the top is simply a case of following the main track straight on. It’s a hard climb with plenty of rocks and two steep rock gardens that mark the start of the last third of the climb, which is the most difficult part. While it is possible to clean the whole thing it will have most walking. After reaching the summit at Edale Cross go straight on down a short, rocky descent to the gate at the top of Jacob's Ladder (GR081861).

12. Time to drop your saddle if you need to. At the junction after the gate go straight on to start the descent of Jacob’s Ladder. The trail lets you know what to expect straight away with a rocky drop and loose boulders before it heads down a very steep section of bouldery cobbles. The trail then flattens off a bit and returns to the natural rocks where you can pick up some speed. At the junction halfway down turn hard right to go through a gate. Negotiate the criss-crossing ruts covered in rocks, to a tight left hand bend. After the left hand bend the trail becomes extremely loose and rocky all the way to the gate and stream at the bottom (GR088861).

13. Bear right over the stone bridge and go through the first gate of about three on the wide track that drops into the valley and ends at some farm buildings (GR096855). At the farm go straight ahead on the tarmac. Go through a left/right dip, over a bridge, and up a short climb to a farm at the top. Continue down the lane then bear right and climb to a junction with camp site on the right. Turn left and follow the lane down hill. Go past a car park then under a bridge before the lane finally finishes at a T-junction (GR113847).

14. Turn right and climb the lane to a junction with a gated track on the next left hand corner (GR113843). Turn right through the gate on the outside of the corner to start the Chapel Gate bridleway. Follow the double track to a gate at the bottom of a steep looking climb. Go through the gate and up the climb that scales the left hand side of the valley. After the gate halfway up the track bears left then right before crossing a number of wide rocky water bars. At the top bear left and finish the climb on some small, loose rocks. At the top follow the main track to a triangular junction with a post in the middle (GR099829).

15. Turn right and descend the boulders and rock slabs to a gate. After the gate continue descending the loose boulders and slab steps between the grassy banks. The rocks finish at a gate by the main road on the left. Go through the gate and follow the thin gravel track between the wall and fence to a gated junction a short distance later (GR092825).

Jacob's Ladder Images

16. At the junction turn right and head away from the main road to descend a wide track that starts with a drop. Descend the rocky track to a tight left hand bend in a dip. After climbing out of the dip the trail bears right and flattens off for a while, before descending to another left hand bend in a dip. Again the trail climbs out of the dip, bears right and flattens off. The track then descends through two gates where some speed can be gained. Be careful, after the second gate there are some big rock steps just after a blind left hand bend, which would be easy to hit going too fast. After the rock steps the track bears right and drops into Roych Clough, with some uneven bouldery cobbles just before a stream crossing at the bottom (GR077837).

17. Climb away from Roych Clough following the wide, steep and loose track through a few bends. After a straight section of the climb the track bears right to a junction just after a gate. Go straight on up the track to the next gate. Go through the gate and continue straight on for the final section of the climb, where the trail becomes rutted and rocky. Just before reaching the top at South Head the track bears left over some lumpy bedrock. Go straight over the top and descend a short rock section before traversing the ridge to a gate on the left hand side of Mount Famine (GR056846).

18. Directly after the gate bear right over a bedrock slab then descend the rutted and rocky track that ends at a double gate, making sure not to ride into the drainage ditch just before. At the junction after the gates bear right and descend a wide, straight gravel track. Try not to overshoot the next junction, where the track flattens out slightly and the Pennine Bridleway turns off to the right through a gate (GR050854).

The Decent Of Jacobs Ladder Mac Os Download

19. Turn right through the gate and follow the thin track between the drystone wall and fence. After the next gate go up a short rutted climb to a gate on the ridge. Once through the gate descend off to the left on the gravel singletrack. This track soon opens out on a rocky double track that goes through a few tight corners and over some water bars. Again be careful, it is all too easy to gain too much speed on this descent. After a tight left hand bend go straight on down the track to a junction. Don't descend to the right, go straight on to a junction with the lane (GR053861).

20. At this junction turn immediately left up the steep gravel track signed posted as the Pennine Bridleway. The track soon flattens and traverses the hillside to a gate in a drystone wall straight ahead at the trees. After the gate go straight on for a rocky and rooty singletrack descent. The track bears left, then right, then left again before flattening off for a fun blast through the trees along the valley. The trail eventually finishes at a gate and a lane by the stream in the bottom of the valley (GR045866).

The Decent Of Jacobs Ladder Mac Os 11

21. Go straight on along the lane. At the next few junctions go straight ahead, bearing slightly right, until the lane finishes at a junction with the main road going through the centre of Hayfield (GR037868). Turn right and descend past the George Hotel on the left, a good post ride pint option. Continue down the road then turn left directly in front of the church. Go across the A624 using the pedestrian crossing and return to the Visitor Centre car park to complete the ride.